Let's Wrap!

ProFit choices

I’m starting my day with my favorite smoothie breakfast and it’s filled with Superfood nutrition! This is a great option for an easy, healthy meal replacement. Whether your goal is weight loss, athletic performance, or a simple way to eat healthy, Ultimate ProFIT Superfood Nutrition Mix offers a superior blend of proteins, mood-elevating “superfoods,” and fiber that is proven to produce ultimate results*. Use it in shakes or smoothies, bake with it, or even mix it with your food!

Try it in rich chocolate or creamy vanilla today, and start seeing results like these:

  • Experience quicker post-workout recovery
  • Build lean muscle mass with fewer calories
  • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels
  • Get feel-good, mood-elevating energy with maca and cacao powder
  • Promote healthy digestion with seven different soluble and insoluble fibers

Ultimate ProFIT is powered by:

  • Sustain-It™, a smarter protein blend for maximum bioavailability in every gram
  • FITzyme™, a cutting-edge blend of enzymes, helps maximize your body’s ability to absorb Sustain-It™.
  • FITboost™, an antioxidant blend of mood-elevating “superfoods” for immune system health.*
  • Non-hormonal whey and soy proteins
  • Natural, whole-food ingredients with only 100 calories per serving!

Directions: Add one level scoop to an 8 oz. glass of water, milk, juice, or blend in favorite foods. When mixing, add liquid first, then blend, stirring briskly until completely dissolved.

greens in smoothie

It tastes great when mixed with a nice unsweetened almond milk, fruit and peanut butter! I usually toss in my daily serving of Greens too! Blend it with a little ice and you have a satisfying meal filled with energy and nutrition!

Here are some ProFit Recipes ideas!





pear ginger

I tried this recipe this morning and it was absolutely delicious! I’ve heard that ginger is good for you, but specifically I could only tell you that it helps calm a nauseous tummy. I decided to do a little research and here’s what I found out…

Ginger may help with the following conditions:

  • Eases nausea- especially sue to surgery, air-sickness and possibly even chemotherapy
  • Eases menstrual cramps
  • It’s anti-inflammatory properties help with muscle and joint aches and possibly arthritis
  • Try ginger tea for sore throat and nose congestion
  • Reduces flatulence
  • Improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Treats morning sickness
  • Prevents migraines
  • Prevents cough and colds
  • Serves as an aphrodisiac
  • Could prevent cancer


So, how can you get more ginger into your diet?

  • You can use fresh ginger in recipes- both savory and sweet.
  • You can chew on raw ginger.
  • You can drink ginger tea.
  • Grate it into your morning smoothie or other healthy drink
  • You can also supplement with New You!, a primary ingredient being Ginger Root! I take this everyday and I have never felt better. I have little or no post workout pain and I have never looked or felt younger 🙂


This is just another example of how small dietary changes can make a big difference in your overall health. You can’t change everything all at once, but you can make one change at a time and it will quickly become a habit that will lead you to a better, more healthier you!

All of our It Works products are plant based and natural and designed to work with your body for optimum health. You can look at more products at www.eileenhealey.com Please feel free to ask me questions and I would be happy to conduct a free private wellness consult to customize a program that meets your needs and desires 🙂

Be healthy and happy- Eileen Healey

profit shakesOne great way to cut calories on a daily basis is to replace a meal with a good quality protein shake. Be careful though! If you don’t  get creative and try some new recipes, you are sure to feel deprived and bored after a while. Before you know it, you’ll be eating a stack of pancakes in retaliation! Get smart and get creative. Mix it up with some variety and you will look forward to your morning treat! See Recipes Below!

Here are some ways to keep it exciting and satisfying:

  • Use a blender. If you are just shaking it up in a bottle, the texture is just not the same.
  • Don’t use water. Yes, it makes the calories lower, but it will not be as satisfying. I was using skim milk for a while and that’s decent, but then I discovered unsweetened coconut/almond milk. What a difference! The flavor is enhanced and the extra protein helps satisfy me longer.
  • Add a scoop of almond butter or peanut butter.
  • Add fresh or frozen fruit. Beware of canned fruit! Besides being flavorless, it has added sugar that will add calories that you don’t need.
  • I use ProFit, which comes in vanilla and chocolate. I alternate for variety. You can also throw some cocoa powder in with the vanilla to get that chocolate flavor you love!
  • Experiment with Chia Seeds. The seeds swell and act as a thickening agent, which makes you feel full.
  • If you take Greens, throw that in there too and you have less chance of forgetting to drink it later 🙂

I choose to use It Works ProFit for my meal replacement!  It’s creamy and delicious! What I really love the most is that it’s all natural and the sugar is less than 1 gram! Many other protein shake choices are loaded with artificial ingredients and sweeteners, which increases your calories and cravings! Read the labels carefully!

Here are some recipes: 


chai shake

peachy green





apple cinnamon smmothie




cherry choc


simpleAre you putting off starting to tackle your goals because it will take too long to get where you need to be? Where will you be in a month if you don’t start today? In the same place or maybe even further from your goal?

Start small. Set micro goals if you have to.

  • This week, replace white bread with whole grain bread.
  • Maybe next week you can replace diet soda with unsweetened iced tea.
  • The week after you can replace breakfast with a meal replacement shake.

My Point? Do something that will get you closer to your goal! Keep it small and manageable and build gradually.

Over time, these micro goals will become healthy habits and lifestyle changes over time. You won’t feel deprived or on a diet. Small changes add up and your body will thank you with healthy numbers on the scale, blood pressure. cholesterol and on and on. Come on! You can do this! Start small and start today!

I would love to help you reach your goals with It Works. Please check out my website and contact me with questions!

et cetera