Let's Wrap!

{09/25/2016}   I was an empty shell

riseHave you ever reached a point in your life where you felt like an empty shell?
A time where you felt lost, beaten down, exhausted and just plain empty? Some people refer to such times as a cross roads, or a turning point. It’s a really scary place to be! Whether it be by choice or by chance, it can be easy to let it consume you. Or, you can get up and fight!  You can see it as an opportunity to change and to create a life to be proud of. It can be a chance to start over and fill up that empty shell with something better.

6 years ago, I was an empty shell. I knew that I needed to make a change, or I was going to lose myself forever. I’ve heard it said- when staying where you are is hard and moving forward is hard, you’ve got to choose your hard. I knew this was going to be really hard, but I chose to move forward. Alone. I jumped in with both feet and prayed that I was making the right decision.

Starting over…
I was restarting my life as a single mother of 2 teenagers and I had no idea how to even be happy. Physically, I was an unhealthy mess. After the divorce, I had very few friends left. My family was hours away and I was truly on my own. I not only needed to change my family living situation, but I needed to regain my health, my happiness and my sense of self. This was all on me. Since I was already at rock bottom, the only way to go was up! Right?

While my teaching job provided a decent income with good health benefits, living on one income was really going to be tight. My salary hadn’t increased much over the years. For certain, it was nowhere near increasing with the cost of living. I have to tell you, I was really scared. My kids were depending on me and I had to make this work.

For the first year, I did my best to provide a similar lifestyle for me and my kids. I bought an older home that had an apartment for extra income to help with the mortgage. At the time, I thought this was a pretty smart move, and it was working out great for about a year. Then, bad luck found me. My house was robbed, child support was reduced, teenage problems popped up and there were tons of unexpected car and home repair bills. I knew that I needed to start making some extra income quick!

That summer, I took on a job as an inventory taker. OMG! This was the absolute worst job I’ve ever had! Not only did I make next to nothing after transportation expenses, but they treated you like a slave! The work was physically exhausting, you had to start work in the wee hours of the morning and you never knew how long a job would take. It was awful. After a summer of busting my ass with this inventory job, I was still financially strapped.  Luckily, it was soon after this that an opportunity fell into my lap that changed my life forever!


Things took a turn for the better!
I posted about needing work and a friend reached out to me to tell me about a new company she was working with. They had this one of a kind body contouring wrap, plus other health and wellness products. I was intrigued and skeptical all at the same time! I had never considered sales, I was really pretty shy and I was not exactly the picture of health. Could I do something like this? I thought, what the hell, I’ve got nothing to lose. I asked her to send me a wrap and if it really did work, I would consider giving it a try.

While I was waiting for the wrap to arrive, I started doing some research. I read everything that I could find about this company and I was really happy with what I found! The company started in 2001, went debt free in 2008, had natural plant-based products and they were growing fast. It seemed to be a solid company to get involved with, but I had to wonder…Did this crazy wrap thing really work?

A few days later, my wrap arrived and I put it on my tummy that day. I measured first and left it on for about an hour. After that, I measured again and I was amazed that I lost inches! That’s crazy, I thought, but the numbers didn’t lie! The texture of my skin was smoother and tighter too. Wow! I knew that this was a product that I could believe in. It worked! I signed up as a distributor that night and I’ve never regretted it!

That decision created so many unexpected benefits!
That was over 4 years ago. Today I am a different person. I’ve fully embraced social media, and I absolutely love the fun of learning new things every day! I have regained my health by becoming a product of the product. Believe it or not, I ran 3 half marathons and went from a size 14 to a size 8! I not only look better, but I feel better and more confident. It’s improved my whole outlook on life, and made me a better mom and a better teacher!

Sharing these products has become a big part of who I am! I found a passion for this company, these products and the lifestyle that it can provide. For the first time in many years, I am hopeful. I’m inspired and empowered! I know that when I work hard I will be rewarded and it benefits my family’s future. I’ve made friendships with people all over the country- people like me who are looking to live, learn and grow! We inspire each other to dream big! Who knew it could be so much fun to build a business?! I know that I can dream and actually make those dreams a happen! Best of all, as I grow my business and change my life, I help others improve their health and change their lives too! It’s a win win situation for everyone!

If you identify with my story and would like to learn more about how to change your life too, please reach out to me. I would love to help you get started and I will mentor you along the way.
Here’s the link to my website: www.eileenhealey.com
The company is It Works Global, and we can change our lives together.
Take a chance and change your life forever!

Thanks for reading this to the end!
Have a Fit & Fabulous Day and I hope to hear from you soon!
Eileen Healey







passionHere’s how I decided to take control of my life: I was a wife and mother in my early 40’s. I was unhappy, overweight and on the verge of needing prescription medications for a bunch of problems. I had lower back pain, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol. Whaaat???!!!

I felt like I was shaken from a deep sleep. Who was this person? How did I arrive here? Why had I neglected myself so much? How was I going to change it? I finally got brave enough to take a good hard honest look at myself and I really did not like what I saw. I was a smart nurturing person, who was on the fast track to a future full of prescriptions, pain, illness and death. As I saw it, my choices were either I make a change or die an early death. I wanted to see my children grow into adulthood. I wanted to be happy. It was a no-brainer- enough was enough! I decided then and there to take control of my life! I was going to make some healthy changes. I was ready!

I think the hardest thing that I had to do was to convince myself that I deserved to be happy. I knew I was a good mother and I thought I was a good wife, but I felt so alone and unhappy. I felt like a servant in my own home. In addition to working full-time, I cooked, cleaned, did the laundry and I ran the kids around to wherever they needed to go. I had very few friends of my own. I never went anywhere or did anything for myself. My whole life revolved around what the family needed. Don’t get me wrong, the blame was on me. I let it happen. I chose to put myself last for so long that everyone started treating me like the hired help. Before I could take steps toward getting healthy, I needed to convince myself that I deserved to be happy. I decided to go for counseling.


This is me at 48, before I started getting healthy with It Works and running with Team in Training.

Through counseling, I rediscovered myself and I liked what I found! When I first started, I naively thought that something was wrong with me and I wanted to fix it so I could repair my marriage. Once I was fixed, I could start taking steps to figure out how to get healthy. What a silly and simplistic way of thinking, right? Well, what I came to discover was that the problem wasn’t me! I was in a very unhealthy relationship. I won’t get into the specifics, but once I realized this, I knew I needed to leave that relationship behind in order to move forward. I was always a goal setter, but for some reason I lost that when I got married and had children. I put myself on a shelf while I took care of everyone else. You know where that got me? It got me to a place where no one respected me because I didn’t respect myself! Actions truly speak louder than words and the example that I set for my family was that moms don’t matter. That moms are the maid and caretaker. OMG! I realized that I needed to make a change immediately to set a better example for my children. I also knew that it had to start with taking control of myself, loving myself and making time for myself. Being a good mom doesn’t mean that you sacrifice who you are and give up everything you enjoy! Who knew?! I sure screwed that one up, didn’t I? Better late than never I guess.

I started doing things for me and it was empowering! I got a gym membership and made time to go to Kickboxing classes, or just workout on the machines. I joined a weight loss program and although I lost 20 lbs in 6 months, I soon realized that I couldn’t relate to the stories of out of control eating. I wasn’t compulsive about my eating, I needed more portion control. Besides, all of the low point foods were so processed that it really didn’t fit with my idea of eating healthy. For example: I was eating fat free bologna because there were no points! Yuk! That was just dumb. I needed to leave that program behind. I started researching with healthy recipes and healthy substitutions. Cooking Light magazine was a great resource along with Tosca Reno and Ellie Krieger. I started to pay attention to portion control. Over time I just started eliminating bad things and replacing them with better choices. The biggest transformation came when I started to eliminate white flour and white sugar. If you want to start, that is the perfect place. You’ll be amazed at just how much those 2 changes will make!

I chose to focus on health rather than weight. Tracking points, pounds and calories can be tedious. Over time, it just doesn’t effectively fit into everyday life. I just try to eat as clean as possible, exercise regularly and supplement wisely. These 3 things together will keep me on a healthy path as I grow older. I have lost about 20 lbs and maintained that weight loss. I can still stand to lose 20 more, but I am more muscular and lean than ever before. (The scale can be a deceiving measurement tool and I do not allow myself to be a slave to it.) I no longer have issues with high cholesterol, high blood sugar or high blood pressure. My lower back pain no longer exists. With core strengthening and weight loss, that problem corrected itself.

This is me now! Healthy, Strong and Confident!

This is me now! Healthy, Strong and Confident!

At 53, I am happy, healthy and learning new things everyday. I’m optimistic of the future, because I decided to take control of my life! I love to tell my story in the hopes that someone might identify with it and be inspired. There truly is a happy ending out there, but you need to make some effort towards it! Be open to change and new ideas. Explore opportunities and try new things. Life can be boring, or life can be an adventure. It is up to you to decide. Are you ready to take control of your life?

If you connect with my story, I would love to hear from you! Reach out via email at info@eileenhealey.com, or connect with me through one of my social media accounts above.

If you are looking to lead a healthier life and would like to make money while you do it, I’d love to have you join my team! Go to this page for more information: “Start Your Own Business” and then reach out to me for more information. There are some really great bonuses this month and you won’t want to miss out on them.

If you would like to learn how you can supplement effectively with our natural plant based products, visit my website to learn more or contact me at info@eileenhealey.com!


me working out!It took me 48 years to figure this out! All my life I’ve struggled with my weight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and just plain frustration about how I looked and felt. Over the last 4 years I’ve corrected all of those things and I feel better than I did in my 30’s!

From my experience, I believe that there are 3 keys to a healthy life. Doing one is good, doing two is better, but when you do all three, you will complete the puzzle and unlock all of the healthy benefits! 

The first key to a healthy life is your approach to eating.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying you have to go on a diet! The word diet signals a negative response from most people. Dieting is synonymous with deprivation and it is usually not something you can live with for a long period of time. I am suggesting some small healthy lifestyle changes in your approach to eating.

  • Eat REAL Food- cut out processed foods as much as possible! Fill up on fruits, veggies, lean meats, fish and healthy fats.
  • Eliminate white flour and white sugar as much as possible. Stick to whole grain sprouted breads, brown rice, brown rice  pasta or whole wheat pasta, whole wheat flour, honey, pure maple syrup and ther natural alternatives.
  • Replace butter with a healthy substitute like Earth Balance or coconut oil.
  • Gradually decrease the fat content in your milk.
  • Increase healthy protein and cut down on carbs.
  • Do not drink soda- especially diet soda. Stick to water whenever possible.
  • No artificial sweeteners! Try Stevia, fruit or honey instead.
  • Watch your salt intake. Try Himalayan pink salt! Read labels- for example, many brown rice boxes are filled with very high sodium. Don’t be fooled. Go for the unseasoned varieties and control the flavor on your own.
  • Use olive oil or coconut oil. Avoid saturated fats as much as possible.
  • Avoid cakes, cookies, chips and other low nutrition high calorie foods. You can splurge now and then for special occasions, but it is easy to lose control if you keep that stuff in the house.
  • Know that there will be days that you are going to slip up and that’s okay! If you are good most of the time, you will still improve your overall health. Start fresh and smart the next day and don’t allow negative self talk to derail you.

The second key to a healthy life is exercise.
Whether you are male, female, young, old, athletic or not, you can and should exercise for at least 30 minutes 5-7 days a week. For some people, this may mean walking, for others this may mean yoga and for others it may be a Zumba class. It doesn’t matter- just move! Start where you are and know that you are doing great things for your body just by getting up off the couch and moving. If you feel you are out of shape, start like I did with a walking tape at home. I progressed and mixed it up with some kickboxing and gradually worked up to running. It isn’t going to happen overnight, but you need to start somewhere. I do suggest that it be a healthy mix of cardio and weight resistance. There are plenty of things to choose from, so do your homework and get started today! It does help to build a support system for accountability. Find a workout buddy, join a exercise group and/or publicly document your workouts on social media.

The third key to a healthy life is the smart use of natural supplements.
There are some things that diet and exercise just do not provide. Set yourself up for success with a smart supplement regimen. For me, this includes Greens for energy, pH Balance and nutrition, Relief for healthy joints, New You for lean muscle and muscle recovery and Regular for, well, to keep me regular of course! For weight management I swear by Fat Fighters– a carb inhibitor and ProFit- advanced superfood nutrition.

This is what works for me, at my age and with my goals and lifestyle. Your selection of smart supplements might vary. I would love to help you choose the most effective supplements for you. Please complete this short survey and I will forward you my recommendations bases upon your goals, lifestyle and budget. 

Ready to order?! You can shop here: www.eileenhealey.com


{07/03/2016}   HGH and Aging Gracefully


We’ve all heard people talk about HGH, but what exactly is it? Is it good or bad? Is it harmful or beneficial? Here are some facts:

  • HGH stands for human growth hormone
  • It is naturally produced in the human body by the pituitary gland
  • HGH  stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration
  • The body’s natural production of HGH begins to decline around age 30

I’m sure you are wondering… What can I do about it?
I’d like to tell you about a supplement that I’ve been taking since I was 48. I started taking it when I began making healthy lifestyle changes. I had set a new and exciting goal for myself- I signed up to run a half marathon! It was a little crazy and exciting, all at the same time! I saw that It Works had this “Body Revitalizing Formula”, which seemed to be just what I needed, so I ordered it. At the time, I didn’t understand what HGH was, but I was attracted to idea of building lean muscle mass and better post exercise muscle recovery. I started taking New You when I began training for my half marathon. I was able to accomplish this goal with very little muscle discomfort and my leg muscles were really lean and defined. I continued on to run 2 more half marathons and felt better than I had in years! I discovered that New You, not only helped build lean muscle and aided in post workout recovery, but it also improved my sleep, decreased my hot flashes, made my hair shinier and improved my mood and ability to focus. I didn’t appreciate all of these benefits until I decided to save some money one month and not order it. That was a huge mistake! New You has become an essential part of my daily health regimen and it truly makes me look and feel my best!


You too, can turn back the hands of time from the inside out with New You! This one-of-a-kind longevity formula is designed to stimulate and support the production and release of the body’s own human growth hormone.

  • Stimulates natural production and release of HGH (human growth hormone)
  • Aids in building lean muscle mass
  • Enhances exercise endurance
  • Helps improve sleep quality and memory

This enhanced formula now includes natural polyphenols that help improve blood supply to the muscles and help to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals for better post-workout recovery.*

You take 1 tablet in the morning and 2 at night. Easy enough, right?


What are you waiting for? Order New You and start turning back the hands of time today!

Let me know if you have any questions and
I always love to hear about your experiences with our It Works products!

{04/04/2016}   20 Healthy Food Swaps

I named my blog Small Changes Big Rewards because it was a gradual process of healthy food choices that helped me achieve a healthier body and mind. I’m going to share with you my 20 favorite healthy food swaps, but first…
Here’s my story:

When I reached my early 40’s, I was faced with the reality that I was obese (such an ugly word, isn’t it?) My blood work showed high cholesterol and high blood sugar. I also had high blood pressure and back pain. I was a mess! I looked and felt fat, old and unhealthy. I tried to exercise and lose weight, but it was such a struggle for me. The scale just wasn’t budging. I felt hungry, deprived and frustrated with everything that I tried. If I did lose weight, it wasn’t much and it always came back. I wouldn’t say I was a yo yo dieter, but I needed to lose about 50 lbs and more importantly, get my numbers in a normal healthy range again and it was just not happening. One program that I was on was all about low calorie foods and I found myself eating lots of fat free and sugar free “stuff”- I don’t think I can even call them “foods”! I was eating fat free bologna for God’s sake. Is there any real food even in there?  I was eating more REAL foods BEFORE I started these diets and although I lost some weight, I was not happy or satisfied with the junk that I was putting in my body. This was just not working for me at all. My motivation to lead a healthier lifestyle wasn’t really about getting skinny or looking good. It was about getting healthy and avoiding a life filled with prescription medications, pain and disease. Improving quality of life was my priority and the only person that could achieve that for me was ME! I had to go it alone and find some healthy answers.

I love to cook and I love to read, so I started hunting down healthy recipes and testing them out on game day when we had friends over. Honestly, I never watched the game anyway, so it was a fun distraction for me. My friends and family protested a little at first, but I think they started to look forward to it. Cooking Light magazine, a variety of healthy cook books and Food Network were great resources for me. I learned so much! I discovered people like Tosca Reno, Dr Oz, Ellie Kreiger and Rocco DeSpirito. I learned that healthy food didn’t need to be boring and I didn’t need to feel deprived! WooHoo! I could do this! 🙂

Little by little I started to eliminate processed foods and replace them with healthy foods. Healthy food swapping was something that I did gradually and consistently over time. I’m down 30 pounds and 3 pants sizes, I exercise daily and my numbers are all within a healthy range now. It didn’t happen overnight- it took a few years of consistent effort. I am now 52 years old and I feel and look better than when I was 40. No lie! I still have 20 lbs to go, but I tend to build muscle, so the scale isn’t an accurate measuring tool for me, or anyone in my opinion.

I’m going to reveal to you 20 healthy foods that are a staple in my kitchen…

At first, you may not love the new healthy foods, but you need to give your taste buds time to adjust. Give each new change a good 2-3 weeks to get used to it. After a while your body will respond favorably with reduced cravings and more energy. You will lose weight and even more important, be healthier! Portion control is key. If I label these next 20 things “healthy foods”, it does not give you free reign to eat the whole box or jar! These are not zero calorie foods, but better REAL food choices. In some cases the calorie content might even be higher than the unhealthy processed version. Calories are not your enemy, it’s the quality of the calorie that counts.

Okay, here goes…

skim milk1. Substitute Skim Milk for your whole milk. You may want to step it down gradually. Whole to 2%, 2% to 1%, 1% to Skim. Read the label. Some brands add artificial ingredients to improve the thickness and flavor.




cheese2. Swap reduced fat cheeses for your full fat versions. I especially like Cabot 50% because it tastes the same and melts like full fat cheese does. The 75% is not as good and melts weird.




green tea3. Green Tea! Limit the coffee and tea that require milk and sugar to 2 cups a day and try Green tea! I especially like the Zen Tazo tea. It has a subtle mint and lemon flavor that makes it less earthy and it’s easy to drink plain. A known metabolism booster too. Click here for more benefits f green tea.



kind bar4. Kind Bars! It’s a great choice for a sweet snack that satisfies. There are several varieties that are 5 – 7 grams of sugar and all natural ingredients. The nuts will keep you full and they are delicious. Be very careful to read labels on all snack bars. Many have over 20 grams of sugar. That’s more like a candy bar than a healthy snack!



rice5. Swap Brown rice for your White rice. The uncle Ben’s plain is perfect for a quick healthy choice. The Lundberg Jubilee mixed rice takes longer to cook, but has a really nice flavor and texture. There are so many out there to choose from, so be careful! Watch the sodium content! Choose plain and add flavor with vegetables or by using chicken broth instead of water when cooking.


greens6. Berry Greens! It supplies you with a full days worth of veggies, fruits and 38 Superfoods. I like It Works brand because it doesn’t taste like grass. It gives me energy, boosts my immunity and I can add it to my water, juice, iced tea or protein shake. It also comes in orange.



unsweet tea7. Swap Unsweetened Iced Tea for your Sweet Iced Tea and cut lots of calories from the sugar! Can’t drink it plain? Add a splash of juice or a natural sweetener like honey, agave or stevia. Do NOT drink soda or diet soda! It’s counter productive to losing weight.



spread8. When all that will do is a tuna sandwich or creamy macaroni salad then cut the calories by mixing these 3 together. Real Mayo and Plain Greek yogurt in equal parts and then a half part of the dijon. This particular Smart Balance Mayo tastes great and is a little bit healthier than other mayonaise options. I also mix my own sandwich spread with equal parts mayo and dijon and a little honey.


pasta9. Swap Whole Wheat Pasta for your white enriched pasta. I love this brand- Luiggi Vitelli. It boils up to a texture that’s very similar to white pasta, but the whole wheat is much more filling.




bread10. Swap whole grain bread for white bread, but read the labels! If it says flour it’s processed. I like Alvarado Street Sprouted breads. They come in several varieties and are usually found in the freezer section of the store. The calorie content is higher, but it will fill you up with good quality grains.



dressing11. Salad Dressings…My first option is usually balsamic vinaigrette, but sometimes I just crave a creamy dressing or dip for my veggies. This is delicious! Creamy, but made with Greek yogurt for more protein and less fat and calories. OPA!



nut butters12. Nut Butters are good healthy fats, but don’t be fooled by those high sugar impostors. Choose natural. Again, Read The Labels! I especially love Smart Balance creamy or chunky pb and Justin’s Almond Butter. The Justin’s maple almond butter is better but sadly, the store was out. I like that it comes mixed and stays mixed.



coconut oil13. Coconut oil! Use it wherever you would use butter or oil. So many benefits and tasty too!





chai14. The next 3 kinda go together. I’ll start with Tazo Chai Tea. I make a big batch and refrigerate it to use in my breakfast smoothies so I can get more volume in my meal replacement drink but it doesn’t add calories. It also has caffeine, so a little bit of extra energy doesn’t hurt either.



almond milk15. Swap skim Milk in your morning smoothie with Unsweetened Silk Almond Coconut blend. The cashew milk is also good! I put in about 8 ounces of chai and about 6 ounces of the almond milk. It makes it nice and creamy and has a nice flavor 🙂 Also really good in cereal and oatmeal.



profit16. It Works ProFit Protein Powder for a healthy meal swap. I use it as my breakfast meal replacement from Monday to Friday. It comes in Chocolate and Vanilla and both are absolutely delicious! I particularly love the fact that it has less than a gram of sugar. If you mix it with the almond milk, nut butters and some fruit it makes a very satisfying healthy breakfast.



oatmeal17. Oatmeal is a satisfying comfort food and good for your cholesterol, but I rarely have the patience in the morning to cook it stove top. These little packets of plain oatmeal are perfect! You measure the water right in the pouch and microwave it. I like the steel cut oats with some fruit, walnuts and a drizzle of honey or pure maple syrup.



crackers18. Face it, healthy eating sometimes leaves you craving something crunchy. I absolutely love these rice crackers. Low in fat, salt and calories it’s the perfect craving crusher!




spray19. Cooking spray can be swapped for butter or oil to cut calories from fat. It’s easy and really has no flavor.





cereal20. Kashi now has this sweet potato flake cereal and it’s delicious! A nice crunch and subtle sweet potato flavor with a hint of sweetness. Perfect for those before bed cravings, and this is way better than the ice cream that I used to go for!



That’s it! I hope you try some of these food swaps.
I’d love to hear some of your favorites and some feedback on these 🙂 A little change here and a little change there will be something that transforms into a healthy habit over time, and healthy habit will lead to a healthier you!

Life is full of challenges. You set a goal and stuff happens and you throw in the towel. Don’t be that person! Don’t use challenges as excuses. Don’t allow challenges to cause you to lose focus and wander off of the path to your goal. It’s gonna happen…It might be an injury, finances, family, or your job. Whatever the challenge, you need to find a way to bounce back from the detour.  You will falter, you will be challenged, but you need a game plan to get back on track before you drift too far off course.


  1. Acknowledge and expect that challenges are going to happen. Life is not perfect, people are not perfect. You will wander off track occasionally. The key is to realize it, forgive yourself for being human and jump back on track and continue to move forward.
  2. Decide right now that mistakes are not excuses to give up! Mistakes are opportunities to learn and re-start smarter. I allow myself one day. One day to complain and re-group. The poor me attitude is gonna bring you down if you give it any more time than a day. The next day, start over and start stronger.
  3. No negative self talk allowed! Promise yourself this right from the start. Be kind to yourself and be mindful of self deprecating words and thoughts. Speak to yourself as if you were speaking to a friend who has admitted making a mistake. If you wouldn’t say nasty things to your friend, why would you say nasty things to yourself?
  4. Declare your goal publicly. Shout it out on social media, tell your co-workers what you are trying to achieve, share your goals with your family. It’s funny how we will work harder to avoid disappointing other people. Why isn’t it enough not to disappoint ourselves? It should be enough to keep us going, but we seem to thrive on accountability.
  5. Form a support or accountability group. Recruit others with similar goals and keep each other on track. Set up a facebook group and instruct the members to check in daily to report their progress. If you fall of track due to life’s inevitable challenges, then admit it and move forward. It’s all good!


You can do this! You can make great things happen with intention and focus. 

Change doesn’t happen by chance and it isn’t going to be easy, but it is most definitely worth it!
There is no better feeling than setting a goal and accomplishing it…
Challenges just make the accomplishment all the more sweeter!

Share your goals and challenges with me! I’d love to hear about your progress 🙂
– Eileen


We have the greatest customer rewards program!
In addition to getting the highest quality natural products around,
it’s crazy how many bonuses you’ll receive!

Here’s how the Loyal Customer Program works:

  1. When you sign up as a Loyal Customer with It Works, you receive wholesale prices from day one. You agree to make a purchase for 3 calendar months. There is no minimum purchase required and you can change your order and shipping date each month if you like, as long as it runs once per calendar month for 3 months.
  2. Don’t like the idea of a monthly autoship? We’ve thought of that too! There’s an option to pay a one time $50 membership fee, then you receive all of the loyal customer discount prices for life! 
  3. Earn 10% back in the form of Perk Points for every purchase! Perk Points are a form of product credit so you can save them up and treat yourself to a shopping spree! 
  4. Any order of $125 or more receives Free Shipping!
  5. After the 3rd autoshipment, you are a loyal customer for life! Starting the 4th month, you get Free Shipping on all of your autoshipments!
  6. After 6 consecutive monthly autoshipments, our loyal customers are rewarded with 50 Perk Points! That’s $50 in Product Credit! You can redeem Perk Points by placing a non-autoshipment order or let them accumulate. The choice is yours!
  7. After 12 months of consecutive autoshipments, our loyal customers are rewarded with 150 Perk Points!!!

So, what are you waiting for?! Shop Now and take advantage of the Loyal Customer savings!


determinationI’m looking for my next Rock Star Leader. Is it you? As I build a new future for myself and my family, I know that the best way to get there is to team up with other like-minded individuals and work together. Teamwork makes the dream work! My commitment to sponsor you will be directly affected by your commitment to yourself. Do you have what it takes? Are you ready to change the quality of the future for you and your family? How bad do you want to achieve all that you desire for a happy life? A life filled with fun and financial freedom? Are you my next Rock Star?

Here are the 5 things that I’m looking for in my next teammate and potential leader:

  1. The Desire and Commitment for Change. There’s something missing in your current situation and you desire to implement change. Are you unhappy with your career? Do you require more income? Do you want to socialize and meet new people? Do want to earn income from home, so you can spend more time with your children? Are you tired of having no control in your life in regard to your schedule, your income or your personal growth? Whatever your motivation for change, are you ready to make it happen, and focus on the prize?
  2. Enthusiasm and Passion. Do you have not only the enthusiasm to get started, but the passion to keep it going? Once the surge of energy from the initial leap of faith wears off, you will need to continue toward your goals. There may be some ups and downs and you need the passion to stay the course. How bad do you want it?
  3. Consistency. It takes time to grow a business. How committed are you? Life happens and you need to promise yourself that know matter what, you will do something to work your business everyday. It can be small or large, but your business will not grow unless you are consistently investing in it. One day it might be an hour of social media posting, while another day you might be a vendor at an event. Small or large- effort everyday is essential to your success.
  4. Building Relationships with People. This isn’t about selling, but more about sharing, caring and helping. You can sell things to people or recruit teammates, but that will be short-lived unless you build a relationship with them.  If you aren’t pairing people with something that they need and teaching them how to incorporate it into their daily lives, they will not continue long term. You need to be willing to help and teach. The products are wonderful, but ultimately they will sign on because they believe and trust you.
  5. A Willingness to Learn and Grow. Are you willing to take some risks and step out of your comfort zone a little? Yes, you may make mistakes. That’s okay, as long as you learn from them. Risks lead to mistakes and mistakes lead to growth. Are you willing to educate yourself and learn new things? No one knows everything and no one expects you to. That’s why we work as a team. If you’re willing to share your talents with the team, we will share ours with you!

If you think you’ve got what it takes to be my next Rock Star Leader, then I can’t wait to get started working with you! Please contact me right away!
You don’t want to wait one more minute to start on the path to a better life!
Click Here to find out more or contact me below!


smarterSo, you need to find extra income to help make ends meet? You are even willing to settle for minimum wage at the local retail store. Let me ask you…does this make you happy? Are you looking forward to getting started or dreading it? Are you calculating how much will be left after taxes and gas and daycare expenses? What important family events and activities will you be forced to miss? Have you explored other options?

I was ready to take on any extra job too… I’m a teacher and single mom of two college age kids and my paycheck barely covers our family’s expenses. I considered a part-time retail job, but after working through the application process and calculating the expenses verses the income, I decided not to go that route. I couldn’t risk exhausting myself for my teaching job for such a low take home pay.

Just a small change in your thinking might make you realize that there are other options out there! As you’ve probably noticed by the vacant stores, businesses and malls, brick and mortar type business is on it’s way out. I find it very sad. When I see empty buildings, I think to myself that another American Dream has died. We need to recognize that the way of making money is changing, because people have changed the way that they spend. If you want to compete in the business world and grow a new stream of income, you need to change with the times. Have you considered Network Marketing? You may not realize it, but this is the way of the future. It may be time to explore the opportunities that exist.

I was lucky that I found a thriving company that matched my personal goals and interests. You can too! With Network Marketing, you can choose a company that interests you. There are so many options out there. Do your homework and research a little. You can get into a variety of businesses- supplements, skincare, clothing, essential oils, purses and tote bags, candles, jewelry, and the list goes on and on. Start by deciding what would make you happy and go from there. You deserve to be happy while you make money, right? Research the start up costs, the compensation plan and the month to month expenses. Research the company’s growth and stability. Find out what kind of support and training will be available to you. Try the products if possible, so that you can assure quality to your customers from personal experience. These are all important factors that determine your potential for success. Choosing the right company is important.

Three Important Things To Note When Choosing A Company: 1) If the company is already a household name, you may have missed the momentum phase and it will be more difficult to make big bucks. 2) You want to get with a company that offers a consumable product, so that people will become lifelong customers and order from you on a regular basis. 3) The company needs to have at least one sizzle product that no one else has!

The advantages of starting your own business are many… You will be able to design your own schedule and it can vary from day too day to fit the needs of your life and family. You can do much of your work from home through your company website, your phone and social media. You can build your business as you accomplish your daily tasks just by talking to people and being friendly. The more active you are, the more people you are exposed to, the more potential customers you have! As you build your business, you will meet people and form new friendships. You will likely grow your business by sponsoring new recruits. You will learn amazing things about how you can be a leader and teach others to grow their business too. If the compensation plan is a good one, as they grow their business, you will make money too! The earning potential is unlimited!

give it your all

What will you need to do to succeed? Set realistic goals. Success won’t happen over night and it won’t happen at all if you don’t work your business every day. You’ll need to treat your business like a business! Work as hard for yourself as you would for someone else. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and learn new things. Use and research the products. Tune in to company events and conference calls. Learn to use social media. Talk to as many people as you can, daily, with enthusiasm and excitement. Convince them that you have something that they want. Be willing to make mistakes. Understand that you don’t need to have all the answers, but you should always be willing to find the answer. Ask Questions and Listen to the answers. If you can figure out what your customer wants and needs, then you can be a helper, not a salesperson. Follow up often.

I may be biased, LOL, but my company is amazing!

  • The start up fee is only $99 and includes $99 worth of products
  • we have a flagship sizzle product
  • we offer only quality all-natural products
  • our products are consumable
  • our loyal customer program is designed to keep our customers happy
  • we have a great compensation plan
  • we have lots of bonuses
  • we are built on teamwork
  • no products to stock and deliver
  • we are debt-free and growing
  • we are not yet a household name

Find out how to join my company by clicking here and contact me with questions.
This video is a great overview of the products and the company.
If you are ready to sign up, we can get you started immediately! 

help others

I hope that you found this information helpful and Good Luck in what ever path you choose!
– Eileen


{03/30/2014}   This game called life…

be braveThey say you need a plan, a vision and the courage to take action in order to succeed in this game called life. Okay, I can do that… A Plan. Check. A Vision. Check. Courage. Check. I’m ready! Let’s play!

You start playing the game and you are doing great! You are excited, you are making connections, you are getting ahead- This is Great! You are winning! And Then- Bam! All of a sudden, the rules change! Life decides to throw you an unexpected surprise just as success starts to appear on the horizon. It’s like you’re playing a Monopoly game with the rule book for Scrabble! The pieces no longer fit the board. Confusion sets in. You are angry and discouraged. Your vision of winning the game is no longer feasible. Worst of all, you are losing your lead!

So, what are you gonna do?
Are you gonna pick up the game, give up and go home?
Why bother, right? You tried and you couldn’t do it. It didn’t work. 

What?! Really?! NO!!!!!!


Quitting is not the answer! We all need to realize that life is constantly changing. What might have worked yesterday, may not work today. Life has too many variables to expect a single plan to work. Whatever your goal is- If your plan is going to work, you need to be flexible! You need to constantly re-evaluate and revise. Life happens. Things change. People change. Plans change.

Don’t waste time and energy beating yourself up with negative thoughts. There are answers out there and you just need to stay in the game and be creative, so you can find them. If your head is in a negative place, you will not be able to focus. Turn that negative energy into positive action. Change your strategy and tackle the game again, smarter and with intention.

You Can Do It! Believe it! Be Flexible! Find the lesson in each failure and play again 🙂 The true winner is the one that stays in the game!

What are some of your recent challenges? What solutions did you find? Please comment and share so we can all encourage each other to continue to play the game 🙂 Life is good, but it is even better when we are moving forward with a positive mindset.

If good health and/or increasing income are in your game plan, please contact me! I think I can help 🙂 – Eileen

et cetera