Let's Wrap!

green-teaWhat makes Green Tea different from other teas?
All tea, with the exception of herbal tea, comes from the same plant: the Camellia sinensis bush. The difference is in the processing. The level of oxidation is what makes it different. Green tea is un-oxidized and the least processed, therefore, it contains the most antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols.

How is Green Tea going to help your efforts to get healthy?
Green tea has only a small amount of caffeine, compared to black tea and coffee. The high antioxidants contained in green tea makes it a great choice for any get healthy plan! Antioxidants have been credited with promoting heart health and decreasing free-radical damage. Polyphenols are thought to provide anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects.

drink green tea

* Many believe that Green Tea is helpful with the following health issues:

  • Cancer
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Weight loss
  • Arthritis
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Oral Health
  • Brain Function
  • Skin Health

How can you get the benefits of Green Tea if you don’t like tea???

You see Green Tea in so many products these days. It is best to read the ingredients list carefully. Many green tea products are processed with so much added sugar and artificial ingredients, that it will defeat the intended healthy purpose of consuming it!

Pure, plant-based supplements would be the next best thing to real tea. I currently take 3 supplements that contain Green Tea Extract. Those products would be It Works Greens, Fat Fighters and ThermoFit. I take Greens for general nutrition, detox and alkalizing my system. Fat Fighters and ThermoFit work great together when you are trying to reach a healthy weight!

Please Note: I am not a doctor and I do not in any way suggest that Green Tea or Supplements with Green Tea will prevent, treat or cure any illness. Please consult your physician when adding something new to your dietary routine. Many supplements have side effects that could interact with your prescription medications. There are ingredients lists available via my website for every product that is offered. Click Here



pear ginger

I tried this recipe this morning and it was absolutely delicious! I’ve heard that ginger is good for you, but specifically I could only tell you that it helps calm a nauseous tummy. I decided to do a little research and here’s what I found out…

Ginger may help with the following conditions:

  • Eases nausea- especially sue to surgery, air-sickness and possibly even chemotherapy
  • Eases menstrual cramps
  • It’s anti-inflammatory properties help with muscle and joint aches and possibly arthritis
  • Try ginger tea for sore throat and nose congestion
  • Reduces flatulence
  • Improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Treats morning sickness
  • Prevents migraines
  • Prevents cough and colds
  • Serves as an aphrodisiac
  • Could prevent cancer


So, how can you get more ginger into your diet?

  • You can use fresh ginger in recipes- both savory and sweet.
  • You can chew on raw ginger.
  • You can drink ginger tea.
  • Grate it into your morning smoothie or other healthy drink
  • You can also supplement with New You!, a primary ingredient being Ginger Root! I take this everyday and I have never felt better. I have little or no post workout pain and I have never looked or felt younger 🙂


This is just another example of how small dietary changes can make a big difference in your overall health. You can’t change everything all at once, but you can make one change at a time and it will quickly become a habit that will lead you to a better, more healthier you!

All of our It Works products are plant based and natural and designed to work with your body for optimum health. You can look at more products at www.eileenhealey.com Please feel free to ask me questions and I would be happy to conduct a free private wellness consult to customize a program that meets your needs and desires 🙂

Be healthy and happy- Eileen Healey

effort2So, Spring is coming and you want to look awesome on the beach this summer. You want to eat better and exercise more regularly. You want to re-gain your health and look and feel younger and sexier. Me too! Let’s support each other and exchange ideas!

I want to give you one rule of advice for successful goal setting… 

The #1 rule is to be kind to yourself!

Please don’t bash yourself for not being perfect! Remember, you need to do it for YOU. Do it for your health and be kind to yourself with positive self-talk. You are amazing and this is not about being perfect or looking better than someone else. It won’t work if you are doing this to please another person! You need to do it for yourself 🙂 This is not a competition. It is a challenge and a goal. There is no straight line to success, so get over that idea right now. Lifestyle changes take time and patience. Sometimes life gets in the way. Allow yourself to deviate now and again. It’s okay! If you are on track most of the time and don’t lose focus, you can re-start without sliding backwards. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself and jump back on track right away. It’s not a big deal. There is nothing wrong with re-starting with intention. Your body is loving the healthier you and it will respond with positive results. You may notice those results on the scale, on the measuring tape, in pictures, and at your doctor’s visits. Measure in a variety of ways and stay on course. Good things will start happening inside your body and all effort matters, you just may not see it right away. Be patient. Your body will thank you!

You are awesome. Treat yourself with respect. Do not allow negative thoughts to drag you down! Keep positive and be kind to yourself! You are worth the effort 🙂

Not sure where to begin? Check out these 10 tips to a healthier you 🙂



{02/19/2014}   Yes, It Works!

For years I struggled with my weight, but I have finally had success in improving my health, losing weight and maintaining that loss!  I feel incredible and I want to shout it to the world!

I attribute my ultimate success to being consistent with my food choices and exercise. In addition, the thing that really made a noticeable difference, is discovering It Works! 🙂 The Body Wrap is absolutely amazing, but the products that have had the most impact on my health are the natural supplements and weight loss products. 

I realize that there are lots of other choices out there and they all make promises, but this company named themselves It Works! because they are completely certain that every product they offer really works when used as directed! What confidence! I know from experience, that this is not a claim, it is a FACT! I use a variety of these products consistently and they DO work! 

If I had to choose one favorite product it would have to be New You! Here is a picture of me when I started. I had decided at 48 years old that I was going to run a half marathon. I had never even run a quarter mile! I don’t know what I was thinking, but I was determined. I joined a group called Team in Training and I committed to raising money for LLS while accomplishing my goal.


I guess you are wondering…what does New You! do exactly? Well, it’s a rejuvinating formula that helps with post workout muscle recovery, it promotes building lean muscle mass and it improves sleep too! I truly believe that I never could have accomplished my goal without this product! Here is me at the finish line 3 months later! I experienced very little muscle soreness all through training, I built amazing leg muscle and, after running 13.1 miles, I felt great!

In addition to New You!, I also took Greens every day, ProFit protein powder 3 to 5 days a week, ThermoFit, and Fat Fighters. When combined, with a healthy eating plan and exercise, I lost about 15 pounds and I went from a size 12 to a size 8 jeans! Woo Hoo!  

So, I know you are wondering…did you keep it off?! The answer is yes. I continue to eat healthy, exercise and use these products to maintain a healthy weight. I’ve lost another 8 pounds and I ran 2 more half marathons! Here’s me 2 months ago. I am still working on my last 15 pounds. Slow and steady works for me. I don’t diet. I don’t feel deprived. I try to eat non-processed food as much as possible and I can tell you from experience…It Works!!!!!!! 

Side- Day 29

et cetera