Let's Wrap!

{03/30/2014}   This game called life…

be braveThey say you need a plan, a vision and the courage to take action in order to succeed in this game called life. Okay, I can do that… A Plan. Check. A Vision. Check. Courage. Check. I’m ready! Let’s play!

You start playing the game and you are doing great! You are excited, you are making connections, you are getting ahead- This is Great! You are winning! And Then- Bam! All of a sudden, the rules change! Life decides to throw you an unexpected surprise just as success starts to appear on the horizon. It’s like you’re playing a Monopoly game with the rule book for Scrabble! The pieces no longer fit the board. Confusion sets in. You are angry and discouraged. Your vision of winning the game is no longer feasible. Worst of all, you are losing your lead!

So, what are you gonna do?
Are you gonna pick up the game, give up and go home?
Why bother, right? You tried and you couldn’t do it. It didn’t work. 

What?! Really?! NO!!!!!!


Quitting is not the answer! We all need to realize that life is constantly changing. What might have worked yesterday, may not work today. Life has too many variables to expect a single plan to work. Whatever your goal is- If your plan is going to work, you need to be flexible! You need to constantly re-evaluate and revise. Life happens. Things change. People change. Plans change.

Don’t waste time and energy beating yourself up with negative thoughts. There are answers out there and you just need to stay in the game and be creative, so you can find them. If your head is in a negative place, you will not be able to focus. Turn that negative energy into positive action. Change your strategy and tackle the game again, smarter and with intention.

You Can Do It! Believe it! Be Flexible! Find the lesson in each failure and play again 🙂 The true winner is the one that stays in the game!

What are some of your recent challenges? What solutions did you find? Please comment and share so we can all encourage each other to continue to play the game 🙂 Life is good, but it is even better when we are moving forward with a positive mindset.

If good health and/or increasing income are in your game plan, please contact me! I think I can help 🙂 – Eileen

et cetera