Let's Wrap!


Are menopause symptoms throwing your life off balance? Are hot flashes affecting your mood during the day and your sleep at night? Are you thinking about caving in and going to the doctor for synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT), so you can get your life back?

Wait! There is a natural alternative for menopause symptoms that you might want to try! It’s called EstroRythmn and it might be just what you are searching for. Natural, safe, effective and easy to use!
Here are the details:

Estro-Rhythm™ is the world’s first naturally based, single-use daily system for menopausal symptoms. Its superior formulation uses natural ingredients to help you “get your rhythm back” without the worries associated with synthetic solutions.

  • The world’s first precise daily system of its kind
  • Helps relieve menopausal symptoms
  • Safe, effective, and naturally based
  • Simple, easy-to-use system

Estro-Rhythm is a two-part daily solution that includes a supplement and conveniently pre-measured, daily balancing cream application for no mess and no guess. Apply the cream once a day in the morning to clean skin, on a fatty area of your body such as the inner thigh, abdomen or inside of the upper arm.  Take one tablet twice daily. That is all! Easy, right?

If you have questions, please go to this link  and scroll down to “View Ingredients”, which will give you a product information sheet complete with ingredients, instructions and frequently asked questions.


If you decide to give it a try, enroll in our customer reward program by becoming a loyal customer. With the Loyal Customer program you will receive the best prices available on all of our incredible It Works products. Contact me with questions or just to share your experience. I’d love to hear some feedback on your success in conquering those menopause symptoms! Best of luck!
– Eileen Healey




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